Friday, June 16, 2006

Back in Delhi for a day

I got back in Delhi, visited my travel agent, Zahoor, and he offered me to stay over and sleep with him and a couple others for the night. So I accepted without hesitation.
We had a great time speaking of all kind of things. Zahoor cooked for me the most delicious meal I have eaten since I have come to India. For once I ate with pleasure and not only to recharge my body batteries, OK there still was rice but Zahoor made such a tasty curry sauce to accompany the lamb that I served myself many times and finished by scraping the cooking pot.
The next day we woke up, went to one of the hotels the agency had contacts with to take a shower and freshen ourselves and then when we got back to the travel agency they wanted me to have a look to Google Earth as they had problems installing the software, so I did. In a couple minutes I had the software ready for usage and for the whole rest of the day all the office employees were gathered around the two computers which had Google Earth and browsed the world. It was really funny because usually people get excited about the software maybe for a couple hours but they were just excited the whole day.
So I stayed with them and chilled with them in the office until I had to leave to the airport to go to Hyderabad.

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